Flight 54 // 2023-24

Countdown to the Yearbook Assembly

Congrats to the Class of 2024


Congrats to the Class of 2024 〰️

Berean’s Mission

Berean Christian High School is dedicated to providing a college preparatory, Bible-centered education to develop lifetime followers of Jesus Christ.

Berean Christian High School Staff wearing t-shirts that promote 2023's eagle day

Welcome to Berean’s first ever virtual yearbook. Learn more about Berean!

With tremendous gratitude, I want to express my deepest appreciation to our dedicated faculty, supportive parents, students, coaches, and everyone involved with our school, who has made this year exceptional. Your unwavering commitment to the Berean community has been the cornerstone of our success. May the memories captured within the pages of this yearbook serve as a testament to the spirit of unity and faith that defines what it means to be a Berean Christian. Thank you for making this year a journey of inspiration, learning, and the shared joy of living as “children of God,” our spiritual theme for the year (1 John 3:1). Your contributions have enriched our school, and together we’ve created lasting memories! God bless you!
— Principal Harris